Team specialized in the treatment of TMJ Dysfunction.
The specialists who make up the team at the Centro de Odontologia Integrada Simone Carrara obey strict quality criteria and treat the specific dysfunctions of their patients without ignoring the various dimensions of the human being.

Dr. Simone Carrara
TMD Specialist | CRO: 2725 DF
- Dental Surgeon Graduation UnB
- Clinical residency in Switzerland
- Specialist in TMD and Orofacial Pain
- Specialist in Chronic Pain, USP
- Improvement in Interdisciplinary Pain Management, USP
- Author of the 1st TMD Consensus Term
- Founding body of the Brazilian Society of TMD and Orofacial Pain (SBDOF)
- Founder of the PACTO Program, exclusively for the treatment of patients with Temporomandibular Disorders
- Laser therapist, by the International Academy of Laser in Dentistry, acronym in English IALD/SP

Dr. Rodrigo Fernandes
TMD Specialist | CRO: 10044 DF
- Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry, UnB
- Specialist in TMD and Orofacial Pain, IEO – Bauru
- Specialist in Oral Rehabilitation, Instituto ARIA – DF
- Laser therapist, ARIA Institute – DF
- Founding member of the Brazilian Society of TMD and Orofacial Pain (SBDOF)
- Excellence Course in Composite Resins, Newton Fahl – Curitiba
Improvement Course in Botulinum Toxin and Orofacial Fillers, ABO – GO - Visiting Professor at the University of Brasília, Prosthesis Area of Clínica Integrada II – 2017
- PACTO Method Coordinator, Centro Odontologia Integrada Simone Carrara

Dr. Ana Flávia Lacerda
Odontopediatrician | CRO: 11669 DF
- Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry, UnB
- Specialization in Pediatric Dentistry and Qualification in Laser Therapy, Associação Brasileira de Odontologia
- Multiprofessional Residency in Primary Care, University Hospital of Brasília/UnB
- Breastfeeding Counseling Course, Federal District Health Department
- Training in Auriculotherapy, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Dr. Daniel Biill
Orthodontist | CRO: 5557 DF
- Graduation in Dentistry, University of Ribeirão Preto – SP
- Postgraduate Diploma in Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics
- Member of the Board of the Brazilian Association of Orthodontics
- Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics – FORP/USP
- Post-Graduation in Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics – UFBA
- Accredited in aesthetic aligner devices

Dr. Daniel Oliveira
Dental Surgeon | CRO: 10062 DF
- Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry, UnB
- Specialization in Implant Dentistry, Unesp
- Workflow in Digital Dentistry: CAD/CAM system, Dentsply Sirona
- Accredited by the coDiagnostiX Program for Guided Surgery; Straumann Dental Implant System

Dr. Raquel Marques
Periodontics | CRO: 11559 DF
- Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry, UnB
- Specialization in Periodontics, UnB
- Laser therapist, ARIA Institute – DF
- Invited Professor in Periodontics at Clínica Integrada, UnB 2018 – 2020
- Course Lasers of High and Low Power in Dentistry, Prof. Ana Cecília Aranha (iKnow)

Dr. Leilane Quaresma
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy, UnB
- Master in Health Sciences and Technologies. UnB
- MULLIGAN Concept of Manual Therapy (basic and advanced levels)
- Improvement course in TMD and Orofacial Pain, ISCP
- TMD management course, orofacial pain and maxillofacial surgery