
Physiotherapy is a health science that studies, prevents and treats intercurrent functional kinetic disorders in organs and systems of the human body, generated by genetic alterations, trauma and acquired diseases. It bases its actions on its own therapeutic mechanisms, systematized by studies of biology, morphological sciences, physiological sciences, pathologies, biochemistry, biomechanics, functional synergy, among others.

The physiotherapist is qualified to construct the diagnosis of functional kinetic disorders (Physiotherapeutic Diagnosis), the prescription of physiotherapeutic conducts, their ordering and induction in the patient, as well as monitoring the evolution of the functional clinical picture and the conditions for discharge from the service.

The physiotherapist is part of the multidisciplinary team, so their participation in the treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders is essential.

Physiotherapy for the treatment of TMD

The physiotherapeutic approach in Temporomandibular Disorders follows the principles of biomechanical organization, encompasses musculoskeletal manual therapies and encompasses:

  • Postural reeducation techniques
  • Ergonomic guidelines
  • Breathing exercises
  • Stretching and muscle strengthening
  • Joint mobilization – passive cervical mobilization and shoulder girdle mobilization
  • Oriented mandibular kinesiotherapy
  • Myofascial and intraoral release
  • Proprioceptive exercises
  • Trigger point ischemic compression

Frequently asked questions about physical therapy

Studies show that cervical signs and symptoms seem to be related to TMD severity. The presence of such symptoms in the cervical region contributes to the worsening of pain and dysfunction. This creates muscle breakdown due to poor posture and overload. Thus, we have hyperactivity of some superficial muscles, muscle shortening, in addition to weakness of the deep stabilizing muscles of the cervical spine.

Physiotherapy can help in the management of neck pain, modifying risk factors through postural adaptation, muscle strengthening, spinal segmental stability, myofascial release, joint mobilization and decompression of “trigger points”.

Lying completely on your side is the best option for sleeping. By adopting this position, the physiological curvatures of the spine are well aligned, blood circulation is facilitated, in addition to favoring good breathing work.

Physiotherapeutic performance in the postoperative period of orthognathic surgery aims to restore the function of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and associated structures, reduce phlogistic signs – edema, pain on touch, redness, heat – typical of the inflammatory process, avoid joint contractures and formation of tissue adhesions.

Physiotherapeutic assistance begins with the evaluation carried out in the immediate postoperative period. During the treatment phase, intervention resources consist of: lymphatic drainage, manual therapy in the cervical spine, facial mime exercises, myofascial release and mandibular mobilization. In addition to isometric, active-assisted exercises and muscle stretching.

Our Experts

Dr. Leilane Quaresma


  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy, UnB
  • Master in Health Sciences and Technologies. UnB
  • MULLIGAN Concept of Manual Therapy (basic and advanced levels)
  • Improvement course in TMD and Orofacial Pain, ISCP
  • TMD management course, orofacial pain and maxillofacial surgery

Contact Us

Questions about TMD, cosmetic dentistry or other treatments at the clinic?

Via L2 Sul - SGAS 610 - Block 1 - Centro Médico Lúcio Costa, Room 11 - Asa Sul, Brasília

+55 (61) 99646-6160
+55 (61) 3245-1016

Schedule an Appointment

Other Specialties

Cosmetic Dentistry

Restorations, tooth whitening, aesthetic veneers, porcelain crowns and implants are the most used resources of this specialty.


Dental specialty that encompasses the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect the tissues that support and protect the teeth.


Orthodontic devices and preventive, interceptive, corrective and ortho-surgical procedures are carried out according to each patient's needs and age.

Pediatric Dentistry

Responsible for the main guidelines for pregnant women, education in oral health, prevention and dental treatment for babies and children.


Specialty of dentistry dedicated to restoring the function of mastication and aesthetics lost due to the absence of one or more teeth.

Snoring and Apnea

Sleep disorders can be treated today by Dentistry techniques developed by specialists in this area.